1, timid, looking at the disk for a day, the index judged our high position, broke through the low point and did not kick down.I didn't expect him to be so strong, better than I thought.4. Today's turnover is slightly more than yesterday's.
Today, the index rose first in the retail consumption sector and the ice and snow industry.This is my way of coping with myself,1, timid, looking at the disk for a day, the index judged our high position, broke through the low point and did not kick down.
1, timid, looking at the disk for a day, the index judged our high position, broke through the low point and did not kick down.I opened the concept of a two-story consumer electronics stacker the day before yesterday. I adjusted it for one day yesterday. Today, I bounced back and made money. I didn't leave. I continued the pattern. I think I think the consumption position in this position is already very low, and the concept of stacking robots is added.
Strategy guide 12-13
Strategy guide 12-13
Strategy guide 12-13
Strategy guide 12-13